charmaine soriano runes

I'm a designer, developer, and data journalist. I code for the people.

Welcome to my data visualization portfolio! (Looking for a scrollytelling example? I got you.)

American health insurance by income in 2020

In 2020, a greater percent of previously uninsured people in the U.S. with low incomes were enrolled in Medicare or Medicaid.

Note: The income measure used here is disposable income, which is defined as market income plus cash transfers from the government and noncash benefits like food stamps and public housing. It excludes taxes, out-of-pocket medical spending, insurance premiums and other expenses. There have been small changes in the census questionnaire between the two survey dates. Source: Current Population Survey, analysis by Matt Bruenig

Where today's 25-year-olds went to college, grouped by their parents income

About four in 10 students from the top 0.1 percent attend an Ivy League or elite university, roughly equivalent to the share of students from poor families who attend any two- or four-year college.

Source: The New York Times

Millennials' fave throwbacks fade into obscurity

Crowd-sourced data reveal that songs once popular with Millennials in their early teen years have become more and more unfamiliar among younger generations.

Source: Pudding Viz

The richer the school district, the higher the test scores

The New York Times mapped out test scores for 3rd graders in 2,000 large school districts. Larger circles represent larger districts.

Source:The New York Times